10th April 2020
20th September 2020
On September 14th 2020, Unifreddo S.r.l. obtained the Certificate of Conformity for the storage of organic products.
Thanks to this certification, we can expand the scope of our innovative services. As a matter of fact, so as to store and manage products made following organic and biological production regulations, the warehouse in which said products are stored must comply with the rules and protocols of the Reg. CE 834/07 and national norms.
Our company chose to align with said legislation in order to manage in the most efficient manner the stock of third-party products with Organic and Bio certification.
The attestation was released as a result of an accurate documentation and operative examination carried out on the field by the Organization for Control and Certification ICEA (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale).
Our operating code is IT BIO 006 E3343.